Psychological safety in teams with Sheila Wherry

SPECIAL PODCAST EPISODE: Audiobook of Chapter 1 of The Pinnacle of Presence: How great leaders connect, instil trust and get the right results

Sheila Wherry Season 1 Episode 7

Hello and welcome to this special podcast episode in which I share chapter 1 of the ‘Pinnacle of Presence: How great leaders connect, instil trust and get the right results’, with me the author, Sheila Wherry. 

I wrote this book to support leaders in navigating the  challenges of modern leadership and learning an essential skill required for our times - that of being a TEAM COACH. Knowing how to create an environment in which your team can do their best work, and in which they are clear and aligned on what’s needed to achieve high performance. 

The book is based on my Pinnacle of Presence framework with Team Presence at that pinnacle. 

Reaching this pinnacle requires you to be aware of the behaviours, actions and the voice you bring to team settings as well as the voice you allow in others, so they can do the same. 

But here’s the catch, you can’t just focus on your team until you’ve done the self work. Until you are clear on who you are being when you’re being your best self. This is the first sub-domain of the framework: Inner Presence

Then giving conscious, intentional thought to how you are projecting your best self outwards, signalling that you have what it takes to lead. To do this it is important to be clear on the core behaviours required to demonstrate both strength and warmth as a leader. This is what will support you in cultivating trust, connection and credibility. This is the second foundational sub-domain of the framework - and I define it as Leadership Presence

It is then, and only then, that you can turn your attention to Team Presence; cultivating psychological safety, using intentional communication and navigating team dynamics - both with your team and key stakeholders.

So that’s the framework - the map I’ve used countless times to support many clients to successfully navigate the challenge of modern leadership, releasing their own potential and the potential of their team. 

So, with that said, I’m now delighted to share chapter 1 with you and  I wish you all the best on your leadership and team journey. 

Go well.

Sheila Wherry